Jasp Software Mac

JASP stands for Jeffreys’ Amazing Statistics Program, a nod to the Bayesian statistician, Sir Harold Jeffreys. It is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and there is even a cloud version. One of JASP’s key features is its emphasis on Bayesian analysis. Java Web Programming is all in one app covering JSP and Servlet Concepts in very Detail. Check the JASP website for updated software. Also remember to consider the version your class or instructor is using when you download the software. IMPORTANT: JASP does not offer automatic system updates. You cannot directly import data from excel. In order to import your data, you must save your file as a.csv file, then open the file in JASP.

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  2. Jasp Tutorials
  3. Jasp Software Mac Download
  4. Jasp Software Mac Os
  5. Jasp Stats

Quoting the JASP website,

JASP is an open-source project supported by the University of Amsterdam.

JASP has an intuitive interface that was designed with the user in mind.

JASP offers standard analysis procedures in both their classical and Bayesian form.

JASP itself consists of two different executables which are licensed under slightly different terms.
The JASP-Engine, where our R code runs, is distributed under GNU GPLv2
But the JASP-Desktop, the user interface, is distributed under GNU Affero GPL v3

Stable release
RepositoryJASP Github page
Written inC++, R, JavaScript
Operating systemMicrosoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux
LicenseGNU Affero General Public License

JASP is a free and open-source program for statistical analysis supported by the University of Amsterdam. It is designed to be easy to use, and familiar to users of SPSS. It offers standard analysis procedures in both their classical and Bayesian form.[1][2] JASP generally produces APA style results tables and plots to ease publication. It promotes open science by integration with the Open Science Framework and reproducibility by integrating the analysis settings into the results. The development of JASP is financially supported by several universities and research funds.

JASP screenshot


JASP offers frequentist inference and Bayesian inference on the same statistical models. Frequentist inference uses p-values and confidence intervals to control error rates in the limit of infinite perfect replications. Bayesian inference uses credible intervals and Bayes factors[3][4] to estimate credible parameter values and model evidence given the available data and prior knowledge.

The following analyses are available in JASP:

A/B test
ANOVA, ANCOVA, Repeated measures ANOVA and MANOVA
AUDIT (module)
Bain (module)
Binomial test
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)
Contingency tables (including Chi-squared test)
Correlation:[5]Pearson, Spearman, and Kendall
Equivalence T-Tests: Independent, Paired, One-Sample
Exploratory factor analysis (EFA)
Linear regression
Logistic regression
Log-linear regression
Machine Learning
Mann-Whitney U and Wilcoxon
Mediation Analysis
Meta Analysis
Mixed Models
Multinomial test
Network Analysis
Principal component analysis (PCA)
Reliability analyses: α, γδ, and ω
Structural equation modeling (SEM)
Summary Stats[6]
T-tests: independent, paired, one-sample
Visual Modeling: Linear, Mixed, Generalized Linear

Other features[edit]

  • Descriptive statistics and plots.
  • Assumption checks for all analyses, including Levene's test, the Shapiro–Wilk test, and Q–Q plot.
  • Imports SPSS files and comma-separated files.
  • Open Science Framework integration.
  • Data filtering: Use either R code or a drag-and-drop GUI to select cases of interest.
  • Create columns: Use either R code or a drag-and-drop GUI to create new variables from existing ones.
  • Copy tables in LaTeX format.
  • PDF export of results.

Jasp Software Mac Free


Jasp Tutorials

  1. Summary statistics: Bayesian inference from frequentist summary statistics for t-test, regression, and binomial tests.
  2. BAIN: Bayesian informative hypotheses evaluation[7] for t-test, ANOVA, ANCOVA and linear regression.
  3. Network: Network Analysis allows the user to analyze the network structure of variables.
  4. Meta Analysis: Includes techniques for fixed and random effects analysis, fixed and mixed effects meta-regression, forest and funnel plots, tests for funnel plot asymmetry, trim-and-fill and fail-safe N analysis.
  5. Machine Learning: Machine Learning module contains 13 analyses for supervised an unsupervised learning:
    • Regression
      1. Boosting Regression
      2. Random Forest Regression
      3. Regularized Linear Regression
    • Classification
      1. K-Nearest Neighbors Classification
      2. Linear Discriminant Classification
    • Clustering
  6. SEM: Structural equation modeling.[8]
  7. JAGS module
  8. Discover distributions
  9. Equivalence testing


Jasp Software Mac Download

  1. ^Wagenmakers EJ, Love J, Marsman M, Jamil T, Ly A, Verhagen J, et al. (February 2018). 'Bayesian inference for psychology. Part II: Example applications with JASP'. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 25 (1): 58–76. doi:10.3758/s13423-017-1323-7. PMC5862926. PMID28685272.
  2. ^Love J, Selker R, Verhagen J, Marsman M, Gronau QF, Jamil T, Smira M, Epskamp S, Wil A, Ly A, Matzke D, Wagenmakers EJ, Morey MD, Rouder JN (2015). 'Software to Sharpen Your Stats'. APS Observer. 28 (3).
  3. ^Quintana DS, Williams DR (June 2018). 'Bayesian alternatives for common null-hypothesis significance tests in psychiatry: a non-technical guide using JASP'. BMC Psychiatry. 18 (1): 178. doi:10.1186/s12888-018-1761-4. PMC5991426. PMID29879931.
  4. ^Brydges CR, Gaeta L (December 2019). 'An Introduction to Calculating Bayes Factors in JASP for Speech, Language, and Hearing Research'. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 62 (12): 4523–4533. doi:10.1044/2019_JSLHR-H-19-0183. PMID31830850.
  5. ^Nuzzo RL (December 2017). 'An Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis for Correlations'. PM&R. 9 (12): 1278–1282. doi:10.1016/j.pmrj.2017.11.003. PMID29274678.
  6. ^Ly A, Raj A, Etz A, Marsman M, Gronau QF, Wagenmakers E (2017-05-30). 'Bayesian Reanalyses from Summary Statistics: A Guide for Academic Consumers'. Open Science Framework.
  7. ^Gu, Xin; Mulder, Joris; Hoijtink, Herbert (2018). 'Approximated adjusted fractional Bayes factors: A general method for testing informative hypotheses'. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. 71 (2): 229–261. doi:10.1111/bmsp.12110. ISSN2044-8317. PMID28857129.
  8. ^Kline, Rex B. (2015-11-03). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling, Fourth Edition. Guilford Publications. ISBN9781462523351.

Jasp Software Mac Os

External links[edit]

  • jasp-desktop on GitHub

Jasp Stats

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